Other fees
Certificate fees
A certificate ordered EUR 37.
If a copy is required to be produced for the purpose of drawing up the certificate, a copy fee shall also be charged.
Extract and copy fees
A certified extract or a copy of EUR 3 per page, up to a maximum of EUR 106 per document from a party to a trial/matter.
A copy, uncertified 70 cents/page (A4 size) or 1,40 euros/page (A3 size), with a maximum of 106 euros/document from a party to a trial/matter.
EUR 4,30/page for extracts or copies made on the basis of a document request requiring special measures (e.g. removal of confidential sections), up to a maximum of 222 euros/document from a party to a trial/matter.
A fee of at least EUR 10 per order shall always be charged for an extract or copy made from the order.
No fee shall be charged for a pre-electronic document sent by e-mail that does not require special measures.
Audio or video recordings
Tape or recording costs + EUR 33.
If delivery requires more than two hours of work, an additional fee of EUR 28 per every full hour exceeding two hours, but not more than EUR 673, shall be charged.
If the delivery of a recording does not require the transmission of the content, but the requested material/file is in digital form and as such can be transmitted in digital form, no fee is charged.
Oath and solemn declaration
EUR 120 shall be charged for the acceptance of an oath or a solemn declaration, together with the certificates issued thereon.
Service (general courts)
Service by the process server and a certificate of service of EUR 110, including the service attempt.
The fee shall not be charged when the court is responsible for service.
Service abroad of the document EUR 110.
The fee shall not be charged when the court is responsible for service.
Costs for public notice (general courts)
EUR 208 shall be paid for a matter in which the court ensures that the matter is advertised in the Official Journal or in another publication.
Fee for retrieving information
The fee for producing information under Section 34 (2) of the Act on the Openness of Public Authorities’ Activities (621/1999)(finlex.fi) is set in such a way that the fee corresponds to the costs incurred by the authority that produced the information.
Published 2.1.2025